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SIGNS, SYMBOLS, AND SIGNIFICANCE- Eastertide, Counting the Omer part 2, Waiting and Anticipating

Updated: May 6, 2023


anticipating the bloom of my rose bush!

ck in February, I wrote about planting a new rose bush. After planting it upside down and digging it up and planting it right side up, I began watering and feeding it. As soon as I saw that it was producing new leaves, I kept an eye out for bugs and new buds that I hoped would begin forming. The strong winds tend to bring bugs and diseases that can harm the bush. Treatment needs to happen asap!

A couple of months have passed since I first planted and pruned my rose garden. New growth is beginning, and I am very excited to see buds and flowers starting to appear! It is with great anticipation that I wait for flowers on my new bush!

Waiting…waiting is not always easy. Waiting is part of life. Anticipation often goes along with waiting. There are many instances in scripture about waiting. Waiting for something to happen, waiting for God to give an answer. Sometimes the ones who were doing the waiting tried to force God’s hand, and that never turned out well. All through scripture God gives signs that are meant to help his people follow him.

God promised Abraham that his descendants would be as many as the specks of dust on the earth (Gen 13:14).

The Israelites waited to be delivered from slavery for 430 years…(Ex 12:40-41).

The Israelites waited in the desert of Sinai while Moses went up the mountain to meet with God. Moses was on the mountain with God for 40 days and 40 nights … (Exodus 24).

Hannah prayed for a son … (1 Sam 1) and then anticipated his arrival …

Job waited despite his friends' admonishments…(Job 35:14).

The Psalmist saw futility in the business of life and asked God “What am I waiting for”…(Ps 39:7).

Then later he states “all eyes have turned toward You, waiting in expectation”…(Ps 145:11).

The prophet Isaiah reminds us that “those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength”…(Is 40:31).


The Israelites waited a long time for Messiah to come…(Matt 1, 2).

Disciples of Jesus are waiting for his return…(Matt 24:50; Mark 13:36; Luke 12:35-36; John 14:18).

Waiting…Anticipating… Getting fidgety…

Waiting is hard, we want things to happen NOW, if not sooner!

God promised Sarah she would have a son. But Sarah got tired of waiting … (Gen 16).

Waiting … Anticipating … Resting…

Anticipating can be fun, full of joyful expectation. In anticipating is expecting that the desired result will be worth it! In the spiritual life both waiting and anticipating help us in our journey. Knowing that you are in the center of God’s plan aids in resting in his promises. Jesus told his disciples to wait for the Helper who would constantly be with them (John 14:16). They waited because Jesus had proved to them that his promises would come true.

After Jesus resurrection, he appeared to his apostles over a period of 40 days (Acts 1). He had told them to wait for the Spirit to come…(Acts 2).

So many examples of waiting and anticipating! We recently had another grandson get married. It was fun watching them wait and anticipate their special day. We anticipated with them and rejoiced when the day finally came!

What are you waiting for? What are you anticipating? Is waiting and anticipating stressful? It certainly can be at times! Are you able to rest on the promises of God? (there’s an old hymn about Standing on the Promises!) But God is always faithful in his promise. He always delivers on time – his time – which is best for our time! We are in the midst of counting the Omer – the 50 days from Passover until Shavuot, Pentecost. It is a time of waiting and anticipation.

Unlike Lent, which is characterized by lament, the 50 days of counting the Omer are filled with waiting, joyous anticipation and even resting that the work has been done. Anticipation of a fruitful harvest – both literally and figuratively. There is much significance in the waiting and anticipating. Rest in the waiting and know that God has you in his hand.

Back to my rose bush. I am so excited to see small buds appearing on my new bush! I am eagerly waiting for the bloom, and I anticipate the fragrance and beauty of the flower. This year, I don’t want to pick them all too soon but enjoy them on the bushes as I look out my kitchen window. Well, maybe I’ll cut a few buds to bring in …

anticipating the bloom


P.S. verse for the day – “We live in the bold confidence that God hears our voices when we ask for things that fit His plan. And if we have no doubt that He hears our voices, we can be assured that He moves in response to our call.” 1 John 5:14-16


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