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SIGN, SYMBOL AND SIGNIFICANCE: Holocaust Remembrance Day

Candle and flag

January 27 is a significant day in history. It is the day of the liberation of the Auschwitz death camp. In honor of the 6 million Jews killed during WWII Psalms are prayed publicly and privately.


In 2019 my aunt, Martha Amster Hodges, and I visited Israel and had an all-too-short tour through the Yad Vashem, Holocaust Memorial Museum. At the end of the tour is a huge room with pictures, names and dates of those who were lost. Our relatives, Regina Amster, Thomas Amster, Magdalena Amster and Heinz Amster are named among the 6 million names. What a moving moment to know that they are remembered and not forgotten.


Today, as the war in Israel rages on, and reports of 21 IDF soldiers killed in action in Gaza this week, please take a moment to pray for their families as well as the peace of Jerusalem. Each of them has a name and a family that is now grieving. As of January 9, 2024 there are about 130 hostages still unaccounted for. Each of them has a name and a family that is desperate to bring them home. Pray for the hostages and the leaders who are trying to get them released.


           Ask heaven to grant peace to Jerusalem: May those who love you prosper. O Jerusalem, may His peace fill this entire city! Psalm 122:6.


           Your prayers are powerful when they are rooted in a righteous life. James 5:16. 


Will you pray this with me today and stand for those voices who were silenced too soon?


Psalm 130 

From the depths of disaster I appeal to You, O Eternal One: Lord, hear my cry! Attune Your ears to my humble prayer!
If You, Eternal One, recorded each offense,    Lord, who on earth could stand innocent? But with You forgiveness exists; that’s why true respect of You might flow.
So I wait for the Eternal—my soul awaits rescue—    and I put my hope in His transforming word. My soul waits for the Lord to break into the world    more than night watchmen expect the break of day, even more than night watchmen expect the break of day.
O Israel, ground your hope in the Eternal. For in the Eternal lives the most loyal love, and with Him comes the most abundant redemption. He will ransom Israel from all the sinful acts that stole you away.  (The VOICE)


And will you consider contributing to help the relief efforts in Israel? All contribution, 100%, goes to helping feed the reserve soldiers called up on October 8. Contributions also help with housing, feeding and clothing displaced families from the kibbutzim that were destroyed by Hamas. There are many places and ways to give. I am trying to help by raising $1000 towards this effort. Every gift is significant and a sign of support.


Why should you care? Because these are God’s chosen people and we, Christ-followers, are grafted together with them. They are our brothers and sisters. There are many who are looking to know who the Messiah truly is, and they are finding him in Jesus! Now is the day of their salvation!


The organization I am working with to raise funds is a Jewish-Christian organization. They are currently working with many relief groups to help with whatever and wherever the needs are. Thank you in advance!


supporters of Israel Emergency Fund link




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